TEAM COmmitments

Each animal care staff member plays a critical role in the success of the animal enrichment programs. We find it beneficial to maintain a Commitment Document that lays out the commitments members make to the program and the roles they play.

Commitment Document

Members of the animal care team are committed to the following in support of the Behavioral Husbandry (BH) Program Philosophy.

  • Use the S.P.I.D.E.R. model to guide behavior management programs for all taxa.

  • Select the least intrusive evidence-based behavior management strategy.

  • Use the process of evidence-based practices to make animal management decisions.

  • Create and gain approval for new enrichment initiatives and training plans following the established BH approval process.

  • Maintain a list of approved enrichment initiatives and training plans in the area. 

  • Maintain an up-to-date monthly enrichment schedule and document each enrichment event using the established BH documentation method.

  • Maintain an accessible archive of past enrichment schedules.

  • Document each training interaction using the established BH documentation method.

  • Utilize documentation to adapt training and enrichment priorities and techniques.

  • Maintain consistency with team members on behavior management plans and communicate before making changes.

  • Partner with BH manager in discussions surrounding behavior-based management strategies. 

  • Foster a positive and inclusive learning environment for both humans and animals.

  • Seek to understand different viewpoints and embrace learning from others.

